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Bring Touchless Coffee Brewing Technology to the Office
Order Your Coffee With an App and a Tap!

As close to two-thirds of Americans drink at least one cup of coffee every single day, it’s not surprising that offices, restaurants, cafes, and hotels are giving their coffee-making operations a second look. Standard coffee machines are frequently touched by multiple people, potentially putting individuals in danger of catching the novel coronavirus. Granted, a business can put a bottle of hand sanitizer near the machine, but at least some coffee drinkers (or makers) are likely to forget to use it.

Thankfully, modern technology has the answer. Touchless coffee brewing technology is safe, effective, and surprisingly affordable. It’s the most sanitary coffee maker and it’s easy to use since it allows multiple people to make coffee without coming in close contact with each other.

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How Does Touchless Coffee Brewing Work?

Touchless coffee brewing machines such as TopBrewer come with an app that can be installed at no additional cost. The app can be controlled by touch or by voice, making it easy to use and decreasing the spread of germs. The app works in the same way a touchscreen coffee maker does. A person simply chooses his or her coffee preference and then places a cup or mug at the machine. The coffee maker makes the coffee in accordance with a person’s order – and that’s that.

Why TopBrewer?

Boston-based companies that want to order touchless coffee machines will find that BostonbeaN is the distributor of choice. BostonbeaN is the only business in the Boston area that distributes the TopBrewer machine. Additionally, BostonbeaN is also preparing to offer apps for two other leading coffee maker brands to provide company owners with various coffee machine options to suit their needs and budget.

Move into the Future With BostonbeaN

TopBrewer comes with several helpful amenities to make coffee brewing as simple and delicious as possible. The app can be installed on either an Android or iOS device. Furthermore, it comes with personalization options that enable users to customize a drink and save favorite recipes for easy coffee ordering.

As an added benefit, BostonbeaN also offers top-quality personal protective equipment (PPE), disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer gel, and other products to keep your workers safe as they do their jobs and interact with each other. Discounts are available for large orders, but the company accepts orders of all sizes, from all industries.

Would you like to boost workplace morale by providing a touchless coffee maker that produces amazing coffee without human interaction? If so, TopBrewer is your best bet. Contact BostonbeaN to learn more about our cutting-edge, touchless coffee-making options or to place an order for the machine of your choice.

Order Your Coffee With an App and a Tap!

What’s more, TopBrewer coffee makers are connected to CoffeeCloud, an advanced cloud management system that offers real-time data metrics that any establishment would need to know to offer improved customer service. The platform also includes multiple user levels and diagnostic features to enable easy refilling. What’s more, CoffeeCloud can be installed on a smartphone, tablet, or PC for ease of access.

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