PPE: The Importance of Personal Protective Equipment in the Workplace

As the pandemic continues, one thing is for certain – work doesn’t stop. Protecting the health and safety of employees is key to ensuring there’s a level of trust and respect for the organization. Providing employees with PPE (personal protective equipment), to wear while performing their duties is essential.

personal protective equipment in the workplace

How Does PPE Help in the Workplace?

In office environments, while there may not be a need to have gowns and respirators, some form of PPE is needed to protect employees and any visitors. Disposable three-layer face masks or KN95s, protective gloves and proper cleaning supplies are key. With these products being in high demand, they may be scarce and hard to find.

Types of Personal Protective Equipment That May be Used in the Workplace

In certain workplaces, there may be times when a transaction involves the full range of PPE protection. However, in most workplaces, especially those do not involve frontline workers, the types of protective equipment that will keep employees and safe range from sanitization options to face shields and masks.
For the employees, consider options such as:

• Face masks
• Face shields
• Protective gloves
• KN95 masks

For the office environment and high-traffic areas consider:

  • Hand sanitizer (gel or spray)
  • Surface wipes
  • Hard surface disinfectant spray
  • Aerosol spray disinfectant
  • Touchless sanitizer dispensers

In the breakroom, also consider implementing the use of plastic utensils, touchless paper towel dispensers, and individually wrapped items such as straws, utensils and coffee stirrers. We are also supplying touchless coffee brewers such as the TopBrewer and the Encore29, which enable employees to order coffee without touching the machine at all. All of these items can also be a way to protect your employees as they go about their workday.

vinyl gloves personal protective equipment for workplace

The Importance of Employee Training

All employees should be trained on safety procedures and the use of personal protective equipment. The guidelines should also be posted to prevent the spread of infection. What should be on these guidelines? According to OSHA and the CDC:

  • Frequently wash hands with soap for 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based rub with 60% alcohol or higher.
  • Avoid touching the eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Stay away from others who are ill.
  • Stay home if feeling ill.

gel sanitizer personal protective equipment for workplace

In offices where wearing full PPE is not required, face masks should also be considered. Additionally, using a solution to sanitize high touchpoint areas may work well.

The need to provide a safe and healthy environment is a major concern for employers as it relates to protecting their employees. Emphasizing the use of PPE and how effective it can be in preventing the spread of germs and infection should be a top priority.

Interested in finding out more about acquiring PPE, sanitizing chemicals and one-time-use breakroom products? The team at BostonbeaN Coffee Company has it covered! From office beverages and supplies to PPE, we can help. Contact our team today

If you would like to take a look at the full list of office sanitation products that we are supplying, visit our partner site, BostoncleaN.com for more information.