How to Boost Employee Morale During COVID-19

As employees return to work, uncertainty remains. This makes it more important than ever for employers to keep everyone engaged and active at work. Otherwise, you may end up with a morale issue and a corresponding drop in productivity.

Flexibility Equals Sanity

To keep employee moral high, managers must use finesse to set job expectations and manage employees who have worked remotely for months. Social distancing, essential/nonessential work and new rules related to the pandemic can take some getting used to.

Call on managers and employees to react to changes fluidly, without becoming bogged down and frustrated as requirements change. Also, employees with children at home and other family pressures may need unprecedented flexibility until things become more normal.
If you long for the 9-to-5 culture and business as usual, you will get there eventually. Until then, understanding and communication can raise morale and pull your team together.

employee morale

Provide Access to Resources

Improving employee morale starts with giving employees the proper resources to do a great job. If you have employees working from home, they may need a new laptop, a headset or a second monitor to complete their tasks effectively. Those who return to the office may also need new equipment and some time to adjust to working in a busy environment again.

Additionally, if you have an existing employee wellness program, consider making it more robust to deal with changes imposed by COVID-19. Stress levels at work may be compounded by employees’ concern for loved ones who may be sick or in a vulnerable category. Introducing health and wellness techniques that can help employees de-stress can improve both productivity and morale.

What If Someone Tests Positive for COVID-19?

You may be managing essential staff or getting ready to open the office for employees to return to work. Either way, it’s critical to review your policies regarding the privacy of those who test positive for COVID-19. Aim for striking a balance between the privacy of those tested and your staff’s right to know whether they have been exposed to danger.

Consider the following guidelines to help you refine your written notification policy:
• Communications regarding COVID-19 updates should come from the head of the company.
• Balance optimism and compassion with real facts that help employees stay informed.
• Ensure the medical privacy of workers who may test positive for the virus.


BostonbeaN Coffee offers home delivery of personal protective equipment (PPE), coffee and other products for remote workers. We also offer pantry services that you can incorporate into your company’s wellness program.