BostoncleaN is Taking Air-Purification to the Next Level

These are crazy times with the safety and security of employees and customers at an all-time high. While keeping surfaces protected and sanitized on a regular basis, it’s also time to consider air quality. COVID-19 has already provided major setbacks, with office and other public spaces severely compromised.

According to the World Health Organization, air pollution is the greatest environmental risk to health, with the need for clean air being a major priority. In addition, a nationwide study shows a link between dirty air and either death or serious illness from COVID-19.

In addition to touchless coffee machines and water filtration systems, PPE, and cleaning supplies, we now offer Aeramax Pro III and Celios air purification systems that supplement HVAC and MERV systems currently used in office spaces. One of the best things about these systems is that they address smaller gathering points throughout the office like conference rooms, bathrooms, personal offices, and breakrooms.

Why this is great for a business:

  • Cleans air where employees work
  • Promotes healthier workspaces
  • Works with current HVAC systems
  • Smart, effective, integrated, and reliable
  • Commercial-grade durability
  • Patented EnviroSmart Technology with two sensing modes
  • Laser sensors measure sound, motion, and air quality
  • With PureView, you can see and feel the difference
  • Wall-mountable models

With COVID-19 continuing to increase in cases, offering high-level protection in all areas of the work environment is key. We are working with BostoncleaN, a division of BostonbeaN, to roll out a program for air purification systems, which is the first of its kind in the Boston area. Contact us for more information at (781) 935-3100 to see how you can improve the air quality in your organization for your employees and customers.

How to Boost Employee Morale During COVID-19

As employees return to work, uncertainty remains. This makes it more important than ever for employers to keep everyone engaged and active at work. Otherwise, you may end up with a morale issue and a corresponding drop in productivity.

Flexibility Equals Sanity

To keep employee moral high, managers must use finesse to set job expectations and manage employees who have worked remotely for months. Social distancing, essential/nonessential work and new rules related to the pandemic can take some getting used to.

Call on managers and employees to react to changes fluidly, without becoming bogged down and frustrated as requirements change. Also, employees with children at home and other family pressures may need unprecedented flexibility until things become more normal.
If you long for the 9-to-5 culture and business as usual, you will get there eventually. Until then, understanding and communication can raise morale and pull your team together.

employee morale

Provide Access to Resources

Improving employee morale starts with giving employees the proper resources to do a great job. If you have employees working from home, they may need a new laptop, a headset or a second monitor to complete their tasks effectively. Those who return to the office may also need new equipment and some time to adjust to working in a busy environment again.

Additionally, if you have an existing employee wellness program, consider making it more robust to deal with changes imposed by COVID-19. Stress levels at work may be compounded by employees’ concern for loved ones who may be sick or in a vulnerable category. Introducing health and wellness techniques that can help employees de-stress can improve both productivity and morale.

What If Someone Tests Positive for COVID-19?

You may be managing essential staff or getting ready to open the office for employees to return to work. Either way, it’s critical to review your policies regarding the privacy of those who test positive for COVID-19. Aim for striking a balance between the privacy of those tested and your staff’s right to know whether they have been exposed to danger.

Consider the following guidelines to help you refine your written notification policy:
• Communications regarding COVID-19 updates should come from the head of the company.
• Balance optimism and compassion with real facts that help employees stay informed.
• Ensure the medical privacy of workers who may test positive for the virus.


BostonbeaN Coffee offers home delivery of personal protective equipment (PPE), coffee and other products for remote workers. We also offer pantry services that you can incorporate into your company’s wellness program.

Preparing Your Office Equipment for the Extended Shutdown

When the pandemic began, most of us did not think that we would be away from our offices for more than a month. We certainly did not imagine that a month would turn into over 6 months! Now that the shutdown has been extended, it is important to take care of your office equipment to prevent it from getting damaged. We recommend taking the following measures to ensure that your equipment is in order when you return to the office.

prepare your office for the shutdown

Safely Unplug Your Office Equipment

Unplug your equipment, including all coffee and water machines, if nobody has been or will be using them for months. If the plug is not accessible, most units contain power switches that can be turned off. These switches are usually located at the back of the machine or inside the unit.

Empty Coffee Grounds and Drip Trays 

To prevent mold, clean out any used coffee grounds. It’s also important to empty all drip trays and dispose of your coffee grounds to keep your machines clean. When you return to your office, remember that you will have to wait 20-30 minutes for machines to heat or cool to the right temperature once they are turned on.

Supporting  Your Return to the Office 

When your team transitions back into the office, we are here to help keep your office environment safe and clean. We are supplying the TopBrewer, a touchless coffee machine. With this machine, employees can order coffee with an app, and completely avoid touching the machine. Find out more about the TopBrewer. In addition to the TopBrewer, we offer the Encore Bean to Cup and the Virtu Bean to Cup, two other coffee machines with touchless options that create quality drinks such as cappuccinos, lattes, hot chocolates, and more.

If your team is looking to upgrade their water, we also offer the Bevi Still and Carbonated Beverage program which has a touchless machine option. The Bevi will give your employees fresh and clean still or sparkling water, along with a variety of flavored water choices.

At BostonbeaN Coffee Company, we want to help you keep your office in top shape while your team is at home and support your return to the office. If you have any questions, we’ll be happy to help! Click here or call 800-448-2739 to get in touch.

PPE: The Importance of Personal Protective Equipment in the Workplace

As the pandemic continues, one thing is for certain – work doesn’t stop. Protecting the health and safety of employees is key to ensuring there’s a level of trust and respect for the organization. Providing employees with PPE (personal protective equipment), to wear while performing their duties is essential.

personal protective equipment in the workplace

How Does PPE Help in the Workplace?

In office environments, while there may not be a need to have gowns and respirators, some form of PPE is needed to protect employees and any visitors. Disposable three-layer face masks or KN95s, protective gloves and proper cleaning supplies are key. With these products being in high demand, they may be scarce and hard to find.

Types of Personal Protective Equipment That May be Used in the Workplace

In certain workplaces, there may be times when a transaction involves the full range of PPE protection. However, in most workplaces, especially those do not involve frontline workers, the types of protective equipment that will keep employees and safe range from sanitization options to face shields and masks.
For the employees, consider options such as:

• Face masks
• Face shields
• Protective gloves
• KN95 masks

For the office environment and high-traffic areas consider:

  • Hand sanitizer (gel or spray)
  • Surface wipes
  • Hard surface disinfectant spray
  • Aerosol spray disinfectant
  • Touchless sanitizer dispensers

In the breakroom, also consider implementing the use of plastic utensils, touchless paper towel dispensers, and individually wrapped items such as straws, utensils and coffee stirrers. We are also supplying touchless coffee brewers such as the TopBrewer and the Encore29, which enable employees to order coffee without touching the machine at all. All of these items can also be a way to protect your employees as they go about their workday.

vinyl gloves personal protective equipment for workplace

The Importance of Employee Training

All employees should be trained on safety procedures and the use of personal protective equipment. The guidelines should also be posted to prevent the spread of infection. What should be on these guidelines? According to OSHA and the CDC:

  • Frequently wash hands with soap for 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based rub with 60% alcohol or higher.
  • Avoid touching the eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Stay away from others who are ill.
  • Stay home if feeling ill.

gel sanitizer personal protective equipment for workplace

In offices where wearing full PPE is not required, face masks should also be considered. Additionally, using a solution to sanitize high touchpoint areas may work well.

The need to provide a safe and healthy environment is a major concern for employers as it relates to protecting their employees. Emphasizing the use of PPE and how effective it can be in preventing the spread of germs and infection should be a top priority.

Interested in finding out more about acquiring PPE, sanitizing chemicals and one-time-use breakroom products? The team at BostonbeaN Coffee Company has it covered! From office beverages and supplies to PPE, we can help. Contact our team today

What Will Employees Expect to Keep Them Safe in the Office After the Pandemic?


Does your office have protocols in place to protect staff members from COVID-19? Do your employees know what measures you are taking to keep them safe from sickness?

Good communication is crucial to success. You need to make sure your employees know what you are doing to protect against the novel coronavirus. By the same token, you need to know what your employees expect a safe office environment to look like.

If you’ve just reopened, are planning to do so soon, or live in an area with a resurgence of COVID-19 cases, the following tips can help you create the safe office environment your staff members need and deserve.

Social Distancing in the Office by Rearranging the Furniture

Social distancing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Separate desks and work areas by either moving desks or setting up plastic barriers between work areas. Make it easy for people to use the break room in shifts.

Provide Ample Disinfectant

Your office should have plenty of hand sanitizer. Any brand is good as long as it contains at least 70% alcohol. It’s also a good idea to provide employees with disinfecting cleaning wipes to regularly wipe down desks and electronic equipment such as phones and computers.

Open Outside Doors and Windows When Possible

The CDC recommends opening windows and/or doors when possible to circulate fresh air throughout the office. It’s especially important to ventilate the office if one of your employees is diagnosed with the novel coronavirus.

Create “Stay at Home” Rules

Make it clear to your employees that they should not come to the office if they or a member of their household is showing COVID-19 symptoms. Likewise, anyone who has traveled to a COVID-19 hotspot should work from home for the next two weeks to prevent COVID-19 spread. Stay abreast of the news to know where local, national, and international hotspots are, as cases rise and decline in different areas with little or no advance warning.


Partner With BostonbeaN

BostonbeaN is an innovative company that offers a range of products to prevent the spread of the potentially deadly novel coronavirus. We process small and bulk orders of personal protective equipment (PPE), hand sanitizer gel, disinfecting wipes, and products for touchless dispensers to make it easy for your employees to avoid contact with asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers. Contact BostonbeaN to learn more about our products and services, or to make an order at your convenience.


Bring Touchless Coffee Brewing Technology to the Office: Order Your Coffee With an App and a Tap

As close to two-thirds of Americans drink at least one cup of coffee every single day, it’s not surprising that offices, restaurants, cafes, and hotels are giving their coffee-making operations a second look. Standard coffee machines are frequently touched by multiple people, potentially putting individuals in danger of catching the novel coronavirus. Granted, a business can put a bottle of hand sanitizer near the machine, but at least some coffee drinkers (or makers) are likely to forget to use it.

Thankfully, modern technology has the answer. Touchless coffee brewing technology is safe, effective, and surprisingly affordable. It’s the most sanitary coffee maker and It’s easy to use since it allows multiple people to make coffee without coming in close contact with each other.

TopBrewer for touchless coffee

How Does Touchless Coffee Brewing Work?

Touchless coffee brewing machines such as TopBrewer come with an app that can be installed at no additional cost. The app works in the same way a touchscreen coffee maker does. A person simply selects his or her coffee preference and then places a cup or mug at the machine. The coffee maker makes the coffee in accordance with a person’s order – and that’s that.

Why TopBrewer?

TopBrewer comes with several helpful amenities to make coffee brewing as simple and delicious as possible. The app can be installed on either an Android or iOS device. Furthermore, it comes with personalization options that enable users to customize a drink and save favorite recipes for easy coffee ordering.

What’s more, TopBrewer coffee makers are connected to CoffeeCloud, an advanced cloud management system that offers real-time data metrics that any establishment would need to know to offer improved customer service. The platform also includes multiple user levels and diagnostic features to enable easy refilling. What’s more, CoffeeCloud can be installed on a smartphone, tablet, or PC for ease of access.

Other Touchless Coffee & Water Options

Encore Bean to Cup

The Encore Bean to Cup is a specialty beverage and coffee brewer. Users can order from an app to avoid touching the machine. It uses patented reverse French press technology and makes delicious cappuccinos, lattes, authentic espressos, hot chocolate, mochas, Americanos, and regular coffees.

Virtu Bean to Cup

With Virtu Bean to Cup, you can order delicious lattes, espresso drinks, hot chocolates, and more. The machine grinds the beans and then brews fresh, whole bean coffee cup by cup. Virtu Bean to Cup has two whole bean coffee hoppers. There is space for mild, medium, and deep roasted coffee beans, which lets each person choose the coffee of their choice.

Nespresso Momento 100

Nespresso Momento 100 is an advanced machine that contains thirteen different espresso varieties. Some of the drinks that it offers include: ristretto, espresso, lungo, americano, and hot water. There are even guidance and alerts to let users know when the machine needs maintenance. To use the app, you scan a QR code, choose a recipe and then enjoy a luxurious beverage.


FlAVIA C600 was designed to create better breaks for large offices. It brews specialty drinks, including lattes and cappuccinos. It begins by frothing fresh milk directly in the cup and it was designed with hygiene as a priority. Users can use the FlAVIA Tap N’Brew App to brew drinks directly from their phones.


With Bevi, employees can drink sparkling or still water that is flavored or just pure water. There are also both sweetened and unsweetened options available. Users can adjust the strength of flavor in their drinks. The Bevi is available with touchless options and users can now order with an easy-to-use app.

More Ways to Keep Your Boston Area Office Safe & Clean


Copper Films

Bostoantimicrobial copper filmncleaN, BostonbeaN’s office sanitation division, also supplies antimicrobial copper film. BostoncleaN is partnering with the industry leader of copper-based peel and stick films that can help protect your building from COVID-19 and other viruses. You simply attach the films to flat and non-porous surfaces. The copper begins working after bacteria and viruses land on it. The copper ion first attacks the bacteria’s surface. Then, the copper ion penetrates into the surface of the cell and protein. Finally, DNA/ RNA are taken apart as the metabolic actions stop. Copper Film is an effective and low-maintenance tool to keep your employees and office safe and clean.


We also supply a variety of PPE for your Boston area office. We are committed to helping your keep your office clean and your employees safe from COVID-19 and other viruses. If you order your PPE from BostonbeaN, stocking and re-stocking your PPE regularly will be simple and stress-free. Some of the PPE that we supply includes: employee drinking coffee

  • Face masks
  • Face shields
  • Protective gloves
  • KN95 masks
  • Hand sanitizer (gel or spray)
  • Surface wipes
  • Hard surface disinfectant spray
  • Aerosol spray disinfectant
  • Touchless sanitizer dispensers
  • And more

Move into the Future With BostonbeaN

Boston-based companies that want to order touchless coffee machines will find that BostonbeaN is the distributor of choice. BostonbeaN is the only business in the Boston area that distributes the TopBrewer machine. Additionally, BostonbeaN is also preparing to offer apps for two other leading coffee maker brands to provide company owners with various coffee machine options to suit their needs and budget.

TopBrewer app for touchless coffee

As an added benefit, BostonbeaN also offers top-quality personal protective equipment (PPE), disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer gel, and other products to keep your workers safe as they do their jobs and interact with each other. Discounts are available for large orders, but the company accepts orders of all sizes, from all industries.

Would you like to boost workplace morale by providing a touchless coffee maker that produces amazing coffee without human interaction? If so, TopBrewer is your best bet. Contact BostonbeaN to learn more about our cutting-edge, touchless coffee-making options or to place an order for the machine of your choice.

Tips for Healthy Snacking While Working From Home

Social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic has meant an increase in time spent at home, and less time spent at the office. The change to remote working has also resulted in less walking to and from your car, less walking up and down stairs to get to your office, and more opportunities to snack mindlessly throughout the day.

Due to all of this, people are gaining weight and putting on what they are playfully referring to as the quarantine 15. However, weight gain has many negative consequences, and seeing yourself put on weight or hearing about others doing so may make you more mindful of your fitness and snacking level. Being at home can make it easier to eat poorly, but with the right planning, it can also make it easier to eat healthy snacks. Here are a few tips to help you with healthy snacking while working from home.

Try to Maintain Your Normal Eating Schedule

When you are working from home, it is easy to get out of your normal eating routine. You may want to get through more work faster, so you may put off lunch or eat a later-than-normal dinner. It is important to maintain a good eating schedule, however. Always try to maintain your normal eating schedule, including all your meals and snacks.

Prepare Snack-Size Portions in Advance

Speaking of snacks, it is easy to grab something in your pantry that may not be healthy because it is fast. Many people reach for sugary treats that are high in fat. These may give you a sudden sugar rush, but you will crash and feel hungry again quickly. Instead, try to prepare snack-size portions of healthy foods in advance. Try to focus on protein-rich snacks, such as beef jerky or nuts. Vegetables and fruits are another healthy snack option that you can prepare ahead of time. If you prefer to drink your snacks, consider adding smoothies into the mix.

Eat a Healthy Breakfast Prior to Starting Your Workday

When you are working from home, you may not think much about breakfast. You may roll out of bed and get to work, thinking that you will grab a snack if you get hungry. One of the best ways to ward off hunger throughout the day is to eat a large breakfast that is high in protein and low in sugar. It is important to make time for breakfast, and you can easily prepare a healthy and simple breakfast. Set aside time before work to fuel your body.

Take Time Away From Your Desk to Eat a Normal Lunch

Another common thing that those who are working from home do is grab lunch and eat it at their desk. Take the time out of your day to move away from your desk to eat your lunch. You are more likely to overeat when you are focusing on something else while eating. Eating away from your desk also gives your eyes and mind a chance to rest and think about something other than work.

Be Sure to Increase Your Water Intake

Finally, be sure to increase your water intake, and drink at least eight eight-ounce cups of water throughout the day. It is easy to reach for soda, coffee, or even alcohol when you are working from home. Keeping your body hydrated with water helps you to feel fuller, helps you to remain healthy, and helps to limit unnecessary sugar and calories through sugary drinks.

At BostonbeaN Coffee Company, many of our clients have asked us to create care boxes to be sent to the homes of their employees working from home. These boxes include some snacks, coffee, tea, hot chocolate and assorted household paper products. We can ship these boxes anywhere in the country. Other clients have asked us to deliver refreshments to those on the front lines, including area hospitals. We can deliver to the hospital of your choice anywhere in Eastern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire. This is a great way to directly support the frontline workers. Contact us if you would like to support your employees or those on the front lines.

How To Prevent COVID-19 Internet Scams From Hurting You

As we try to adjust to a life that includes less time in the office, fewer trips to the grocery store and missing out on family gatherings, we are all spending more time with technology. From corresponding through emails to using delivery apps for our favorite restaurant meals, our screen time has definitely increased.

Unfortunately, as more consumers interact through these channels, they are more exposed to scammers who take advantage not only of our screen time but also of our anxieties and uneasiness as we navigate this storm.

“Cybercriminals use emergencies such as COVID-19 to get people to make decisions quickly,” states a World Health Organization advisory. “Always take time to think about a request for your personal information, and whether the request is appropriate.”

We want to help you learn how to prevent internet scams, so we have outlined a few of the more common types of fraud you may experience, as well as ways to stay safe and avoid becoming a victim.

Notifications About Checks from the Government

The IRS will not call, text or email you to get banking information for your stimulus check, so do not give this information over the phone. If anyone calls you asking for your social security number or your bank account numbers to deposit your stimulus check, hang up. They are most likely scammers.

Also, don’t click on any links in emails that you think are coming to your inbox from the IRS. In most cases, if you meet the established income limits, you do not need to do anything to receive the check. The IRS should have all of the information they need to process your Economic Impact Payment, based on the information on either your 2018 or 2019 taxes.

The IRS has also provided an online link called “Get My Payment” where you can track the status of your deposit.

Overpayment of Stimulus Checks

There have been many reports of a stimulus check scam. Know that the IRS will not overpay you and then call or contact you to ask you to send some of the money back because they accidentally overpaid you. This is a stimulus check scam to try to get people to send the extra back, usually in the form of gift cards or bank transfers. When people fall victim to this scam, it is usually because the scammer has posed as someone from the IRS or a government entity, so it sounds official.

Emails and Text Messages with Attachments

Be aware of the emails you receive, and don’t open any attachments or click on any links within a message from people you don’t know. Phishing emails and texts appear as though they are from a company you can trust, but they are an attempt to get your personal information. The scammer may say something to make you react out of fear and concern for a loved one or a friend, or they may claim there is an issue with your account or your personal information that needs to be cleared up.

Phishing scams can be avoided by backing up your data, setting automatic security software updates on your phones and computers, and using two layers of passcode protection on your devices and accounts. If you feel you may have given information to an unreliable source, update your usernames and passwords.

Work-from-Home Offers

With many people out of work, there is an increase in work-from-home job postings as scammers know people are facing financial hardship and looking for remote employment. Remember that a company that is authentic will not ask for money to apply for a job or charge you a fee. According to research by FlexJobs, some of the scams include data-entry, making crafts, envelope stuffing, online re-packaging and shipping, and processing rebates.

Staying vigilant as your browse the internet, being aware of where and to whom you share personal information, and ignoring phone calls and emails from strangers are good steps to avoiding being taken advantage of. It is important for you to follow these tips as you learn how to prevent internet scams from hurting you. If you need to report a scam or file a complaint specifically related to COVID-19, there are resources that will help you either through the IRS directly or the Federal Trade Commission.

Reentering the Workplace

As we all look forward to the reopening of the workplace, we at BOSTONBEAN® are hard at work preparing for that eventuality. While there is much uncertainty regarding the “new normal” in the office and breakroom, the one thing we do know is the need to take appropriate steps to protect our clients and our team that services you.

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Combat COVID-19 with These Office Disinfecting Products

BostonbeaN has been looking to source PPE and office disinfecting products from many vendors in an effort to make these products available to our clients at affordable costs. We appreciate our clients looking in our direction to source these PPE and office cleaning and disinfecting

products from BostonbeaN as we continue to search for more ways to service our clients and keep our people employed.disinfecting hand sanitizer

Are You Reopening Your Office?

As you begin opening your office back up it is essential to make sure that you have the office cleaning products that you need to protect employees from spreading COVID-19.

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